Tuesday 18 June 2013

Enough Is Not A Number.

A crucial step to making any sort of change is setting a goal. Goal setting is a powerful tool. It gives the mind something to focus on. It allows strategies and action steps to be effectively planned and implemented. Having a goal also sets a standard when deciding whether or not action steps have been successful.

Notice I have not said that setting goals and meeting them will make you satisfied with yourself.  It will not make you 100% healthy and happy in all areas of your life. It may seem self evident or ridiculous when I put it that way, but this is an important point.

People load their goals with feelings and expectations. We never really want the goal in and of itself. What we really want is all of the other stuff that we think attaining that goal will bring.

Earning a million dollars means nothing. What is desirable about earning a million dollars is the financial freedom it brings. Similarly, losing 20 pounds or fitting into size 4 jeans actually means nothing if these changes are not accompanied by confidence and positive self image.

Nobody really wants to look like Kate Moss. People think they want to look like Kate Moss because they imagine looking like a super model will allow them to love themselves, feel comfortable in their skin and confident in any situation.

The sad truth is that many models look in the mirror and only see their flaws.  Anorexic women have dangerously low body weight; yet still view themselves as over weight.  People who have millions in the bank feel that they do not have enough.

Enough is not a number. We cannot measure our sufficiency in dollars or pounds. Underlying every goal, every change we wish to make is the feeling that we are not good enough.

When a person feels insufficient there is nothing they can obtain that will ever fill the void. There will never be enough jewellery, interesting books, diet advice, loving partners or chocolate cake to make up for your own feelings of inadequacy.

I am not saying that we should never try to improve. On the contrary, I firmly believe that there is untapped potential in all of us for better health and to create and reap more value in the world. However, there is a big difference between working everyday to be the best version of ourselves and expecting that a deep-rooted self esteem issue will be resolved by changing our bodies or bank accounts.

It is crucial to investigate why we are working towards our goals. If we do not ask ourselves the hard questions, dig up our beliefs in every area, analyze these beliefs for flaws and lay the foundation for true happiness in our lives, then nothing we achieve will ever be enough.  

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